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Week 4


  • Implemented side-menu/ hamburger menu in the application
  • Home page Funcitonalities
    • Doughnut Chart for displaying progress reports
    • Project details
    • Navbar of the page
  • Internal Demo with Shikshalokam team
  • Mid-point review and presentation

Screenshots / Videos

Project Details


Progress Details


Project Report



  • Created the home page and its functionalities
  • Side menu for the application
  • Mid-point review PPT can be accessed here


  • Super mentor feedback: The presentation went quite well, and my super mentor expressed satisfaction with both my designs and delivery. The primary constructive feedback I received was to incorporate more real-life examples, making it easier for the audience to grasp and relate to the content.
  • ng 2 charts in Ionic
  • API calling with auth tokens and headers
  • Presentation skills and the ability to improve on the feedback provided